The courageous person lives a life of adventure. How does one define a life of adventure? We turn to an adventure expert who embodies adventure to answer.
Derek Loudermilk is down to earth. Whereas I focus on courage and self-confidence, he focuses on adventure. He is the host of The Art of Adventure podcast where he interviews lifestyle entrepreneurs, global travelers, and those who push the limits of human performance. There is a lot of overlap when it comes to adventure and courage. Both involve action and risk and a higher level of living for the sake of making your life a story worth telling. This is his story.
In this episode
- How to live a life of adventure click to tweet
- Insights from a student and teacher of charisma and personality development click to tweet
- The line between recreation and work for the lifestyle entrepreneur click to tweet
References – Derek Loudermilk’s website
@derekloudermilk – Derek Loudermilk on Twitter
@derekloudermilk – Derek Loudermilk on Instagram
The Wisdom of Success: The Philosophy of Achievement by Andrew Carnegie & Napoleon Hill (book)
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Samuel Hatton
Samuel Hatton is a multi-talented media creator and an encourager. His mission is to encourage others in who they truly are so that they can have greater capacity to live out their destiny. He does this by producing inspiring content as well as coaching people to take courageous action toward their passions and goals.
Most Recent Podcast Episodes

#92 Emotional Intelligence in Relation to Self-Confidence with Robin Hills | Stories of Courage
When faced with a conversation that needs to happen, we can face it or avoid it. David Wood chooses to be courageous about conversations.

#91 Celebrate the Moments | Core Concepts
Our lives are made up by a series of moments. If we build a discipline that helps us to celebrate the moments we can live out joy.

#90 Addiction Follow-Up to Last Episode with David Wood
You’re in for a real treat today with our guest, David Wood. We are talking all about addiction.
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