Clarity reveals the unique daily actions needed to live your destiny. First you must get clarity on your destiny, then make living your destiny a habit.

Clarity reveals the unique daily actions needed to live your destiny. First you must get clarity on your destiny, then make living your destiny a habit.
Choose to intentionally create courageous habits that spur on courage, increase self-esteem, and propel you forward toward living your destiny.
We’ve been exploring habit formation in this series, but you may still be struggling. That’s why this episode introduces three tools that make habits easy.
Habits can be tricky if you do not know how to form a habit. The good new is that there is a science to it.
Forming habits is the fastest way to self-confidence. Your life is full of habits, so it’s important to pinpoint the right ones.
The Ultimate Goal Setting Blueprint
Here’s what others are saying about this goal setting process:
I loved it! I think everyone should do it every year.
The biggest takeaway was writing goals out, putting them to paper, and then reflecting on what I just wrote.