Habits can be tricky if you do not know how to form a habit. The good new is that there is a science to it.
Since our destiny is made up of the habits that we do on a day-to-day basis, it’s important to learn how to form them.
Last week we talked about how intentionally forming a habit leads to more self-confidence. We also talked about a few cornerstone habits that seem to universally affect the rest of your life. Today I’m going to share with you the science behind how a habit works.
We are also going to touch on a practical methodology in habit formation.
In this episode
- The anatomy of a habit
- How to form a habit
- Developing habits by starting with your destiny
“Failure is a few errors in judgment repeated every day. Success is a few simple disciplines practiced every day.” -Jim Rhone click to tweet
Book: The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg
Website/Program: Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg
Movie: Rocky
Other Courageous Habits Series episodes
Part 1: Why Habits Build Self-Confidence
Part 3: Three Tools That Make Habits Easy
Part 4: Universal Courageous Habits
Part 5: Unique Courageous Habits
Other episodes mentioned
Habits Determine Core Values, Not Aspirational Values – This episode helps you identify habits to form
Why Write Goals – Destination podcast concept
The anatomy of a habit
In the book Power of Habit, this is what is referred to as The Habit Loop: Cue-Routine-Reward. Something cues the routine. The routine is the habit itself. The reward is what makes the habit stick.
The cue can be location, time, emotional state, other people, or immediately preceding an another action.
This is the action that we are trying to turn into a habit.
The reward is what really makes the habit sticky. This is usually intrinsic, but you can manufacture the reward for the time being while you are developing the habit
TinyHabits uses this same structure except the terminology is different. The Cue-Routine-Reward becomes Trigger-Behavior-Reward.

Samuel Hatton
Samuel Hatton is the full-time marketing guy at Endsight – San Francisco Bay Area’s premium locally sourced computer technology support. He’s a multi-talented creative, natural encourager, and is full of courageous ideas.
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