Today on the release of this episode, I am a published author and my book called Activate Your Life is available on Amazon for free. This is one of the best life coaching books. It’s all about how to activate your life. It’s a collection of the 50 best life coaching exercises across 50 different coaches. Profits go to charity and it will remain affordable in Kindle version.
In this episode
Activate Your Life – A book written by 50 life coaches
What Samuel Hatton has been doing on podcasting hiatus
Special bonus for you – a contest
Get Activate Your Life Book on Amazon
Link to the contest mentioned in this episode
References to other podcast episodes
#52 Annual Goal Setting Template
#69 Interview with Derek Loudermilk from Art of Adventure
Original Podcast Pre-Show Notes
(… that I ended up not even using … seriously, I wrote this out to get my juices going for this episode.)
Hello and welcome to a bonus update. I’m the host of this show Samuel Hatton. As far as you can tell, I’ve been MIA (missing in action) for the past couple years on what I’ve been calling my podcasting hiatus (sort of like a break).
The short of it is that I’m in a special season of life where I’m spending my time and energy in other places – mostly with family and career. But I haven’t stopped encouraging, coaching others, and working hard — the important stuff. April and I have two little girls now, and they are both joys to raise and be with.
Ahh I miss podcasting. Okay!
I’m here today to give you something for free! If you are listening to this today on the release of this episode or tomorrow, then you can get my latest book on Amazon for free. It’s called Activate Your Life. It’s a collection of the 50 best transformational exercises from life coaches around the world. You might remember Derek Loudermilk from episode 69. He wrangled each of the contributors of this project to take the best coaching exercise that gets results for clients. So there you have it – Activate Your Life. Free today only on Amazon Kindle. You can find a link to the book where this podcast lives at
If you are listening at a future time, the Kindle version of the book should still remain at an affordable amount. Ultimately all profits will be going to charity past break even point.
But I’ll tell you what I’ll do. If you one of those who missed the free promotional period, I’ll still give you something. Go to my personal website, there will be a contact form asking for your name, email, and I believe the question, “how can I help”. Answer that question and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a signed copy of the book. If it’s past 6 weeks, I’ll still give you something you’d appreciate. I respond to all messages, so I look forward to hearing from you.
Anyway, that’s my update. If you still want to stay in touch with me, ask how to get on the newsletter or simply go to
Take care, and remember that you are a gift to humanity. Everyone will benefit more as long as you shed the layer and become the best you can be without violating the freedoms of others or bringing harm. Be courageous. Do good. Earn confidence.
Samuel Hatton signing out.

#92 Emotional Intelligence in Relation to Self-Confidence with Robin Hills | Stories of Courage
When faced with a conversation that needs to happen, we can face it or avoid it. David Wood chooses to be courageous about conversations.
#91 Celebrate the Moments | Core Concepts
Our lives are made up by a series of moments. If we build a discipline that helps us to celebrate the moments we can live out joy.
#90 Addiction Follow-Up to Last Episode with David Wood
You’re in for a real treat today with our guest, David Wood. We are talking all about addiction.
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