Finding your inner essence is a journey usually made up of a series of moments. These moments are usually courageous, requiring action in the face of fear.
My interview episodes a call stories of courage to remind you that we all have stories of courage inside us. These are the moments when fear intersects with action and creates a courageous moment. Isn’t that what courage really is? Acting despite fear. I believe this is the greatest catalyst for building lasting self-confidence.
Today we interview Carla Reeves, executive and lifestyle coach as well as speaker. She is passionate about helping others see the bigger, brighter version of who they truly are. She touches on her first marriage and how she was not ready for it, she had cycles of failure with love until she went in deep into that inner cave and found her own essence.
In this episode
- How to find your inner essence
- The power of journaling
- Why doing the work on yourself first is important
- Carla Reeves – Coach & Speaker Website
- Shoutout to Cherry Jeffs. Thanks for sharing me with your audience <3
- Podcast series on The Five Stages of Grief
- Book mention: The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
- Get The (FREE) Ultimate Personal Goal Setting Blueprint
If you have any feedback, please share it by leaving a public review or tag me on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) or privately here.

#92 Emotional Intelligence in Relation to Self-Confidence with Robin Hills | Stories of Courage
When faced with a conversation that needs to happen, we can face it or avoid it. David Wood chooses to be courageous about conversations.
#91 Celebrate the Moments | Core Concepts
Our lives are made up by a series of moments. If we build a discipline that helps us to celebrate the moments we can live out joy.
#90 Addiction Follow-Up to Last Episode with David Wood
You’re in for a real treat today with our guest, David Wood. We are talking all about addiction.
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