To find your passion you must start somewhere. Recent college graduate, Reilly Dooris, is starting in Guatemala. This is where his curiosity has taken him.
We interviewed Reilly because he was in a place that plenty of you are in right now. At a crossroads. And the path he took is a courageous one. He has chosen to embrace his narrow road that is only big enough for him. He went to school for engineering. However, humanitarian work with First Things Foundation is where his curiosity has lead him. This is his unique adventure.
His story began with a homework assignment in a leadership class.
In this episode
- The role that curiosity plays in helping you find your passion click to tweet
- Chipping away at fear to build self-confidence click to tweet
- What the First Things Foundation in Guatemala is up to click to tweet
- Why life after college doesn’t have to be directly related to your major click to tweet
There is a million different arguments we create for ourselves to not go off the beaten path. – Reilly Dooris click to tweet
I don’t know if I’ll ever find my passion, but I think following my curiosity is a way to get there. – Reilly Dooris click to tweet
The fact that I came here means I wasn’t making excuses for myself about why I couldn’t come. – Reilly Dooris click to tweet
My idea of success is navigating life to the point where I can feel alive with the people around me. – Reilly Dooris click to tweet
Doing things that are a little risky and then pan out okay. They chip away at this fear that we have. We build up this fear that the world is scary, that we are going to fail. And each time you do something crazy and it succeeds you chip away at that fear a little bit. And you take that chip and you add that to your pile of self-confidence. – Reilly Dooris
Other quotes mentioned
The most dangerous risk of all – the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later. – Randy Komisar, from book The Monk and the Riddle
Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use. Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again. – Steve Jobs from a 1994 interview conducted by the Santa Clara Valley Historical Association
Contact ReillyFirst Things Foundation (website)
Ernesto Sirolli: Want to help someone? Shut up and listen! (TED Talk presentation)
Ripples from the Zambezi by Ernesto Sirolli (book)
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Samuel Hatton
Samuel Hatton is a multi-talented media creator and an encourager. His mission is to encourage others in who they truly are so that they can have greater capacity to live out their destiny. He does this by producing inspiring content as well as coaching people to take courageous action toward their passions and goals.
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