7 ways to beat procrastination today courageous self confidence core concepts seriesIs procrastination getting in the way of your goals? Are you busy with low-value tasks? This episode is all about how to beat procrastination today.

Beating procrastination isn’t rocket science, however there is a systematic approach that you can take to beat procrastination. Namely courage. Courage is the opposite of procrastination. And all courage really means is bold action.

In this episode


“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” – Steven Covey click to tweet 

Haiku: “Procrastination / Even paralyzation / Action defeats both” – Samuel click to tweet 

“Meeting personal deadlines are opportunities for you to build self-confidence.” – Samuel click to tweet 


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Courageous Habits Series

7 Ways to Beat Procrastination Today

Establish deadlines

Meeting personal deadlines are opportunities for you to build self-confidence. These don’t have to be huge deadlines or deadlines that everyone knows about. These can be tiny milestones. For example if your goal is to get certified in your profession, your can set a milestone to make a few phone calls by tomorrow. Race toward the deadline and pull the deadline back if you need to. IE. Call two people in the next hour.”

Schedule BIS time

BIS time stands for “Butt In Seat Time”. Sit down. Have a time that you don’t do anything else except for the task at hand. Put this in your calendar. Set an alarm in your phone. And don’t falter. If you want to write for 1 hour, sit down for 1 hour and write. Even if you only get a few words down, at least ALL YOU DID during that hour was write, you’ll begin to get BIS time down.

Get accountability

You can do this a number of ways. First is personal accountability from a friend, business partner, family member, etc. Or you can put it out there to the general public. You can also hire an accountability coach.

Consume inspirational content

The key is to get inspired. What movies, books, shows, motivate you? Maybe it’s the Courageous Self-Confidence podcast. Get inspired by consuming even just 5 minutes before you do your courageous task that you’ve been procrastinating on.

Know your purpose (your motivating force / your why)

This is probably the most powerful thing you can do to beat procrastination. Ask yourself these questions — What is your purpose? What motivates you at your core? Why do you do what you do?

Model people of action

Who is someone of massive action? These types of people are motivational? Maybe it’s inspirational speaker Anthony Robbins. Maybe its world-class business leader and computer programmer Mark Zuckerberg. Maybe it is a famous actor. Ask how would my role model handle this situation?

Lower the bar

What is the very next step of the very next step? Can you identify what that next step is in 30 seconds? IE. Pick up the phone and dial. Make whatever you are procrastinating on super easy by breaking it down into a single step. Just as the great Chinese proverb goes – “A thousand mile journey starts with the first step.”

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Samuel Hatton

Samuel Hatton

Samuel Hatton is a multi-talented media creator and an encourager. His mission is to encourage others in who they truly are so that they can have greater capacity to live out their destiny. He does this by producing inspiring content as well as coaching people to take courageous action toward their passions and goals.

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