The 50/10 Method is simple. Work for 50 minutes and break for 10. If you aim to have a very productive work day and increase focus at work, this technique is for you. This is especially powerful for today’s knowledge worker who sits at a computer during working hours.
Why 50/10 method?
You may know of the Pomodoro Technique for keeping focus 25/5 … and it works for some. But those who can experience hours of flow in their work, getting interrupted every 25 minutes is a bit of a stretch. Studies show that the average person can go 40 to 120 minutes in flow states doing office work but the average is 54 minutes, so 50 seems to make more sense.
Have healthy ergonomics
Many office handbooks recommend a 10 minute break from the computer on the hour to reduce eye strain and allow you to get up and stretch your legs.
Increase focus at work
The most important part of the 50/10 method: Focus. When you are able to say, “No.” to co-worker chatter, personal phone calls, social media, texts, etc. because you KNOW you are going to get a 10 minute break to do all the random things that fly into your mind when you are trying to do your best work, temptation to do anything less than your best will vanish and allow you to FOCUS on your main thing.
Be more brilliant
Also this rule forces you to work smarter. Our best ideas come when we rest. If we are resting away from our work on the hour, you will find yourself coming up with brilliant ideas that you can apply to future hours (or 50 minutes) of work. For example, take coding – a coder may work diligently for 50 minutes, get up, walk around the block and come back the computer with insights into how to automate what he was just working on.
Be more punctual
Not everyone has the privilege to facilitate meetings at work, but many do, at least some. Naturally, it seems like half of all meetings are scheduled in one hour time blocks. What you can do as meeting facilitator is ALWAYS end 10 minutes early. People will LOVE you for this. You are essentially sharing your way with them. They get to experience the beauty of a 10 minute break that allows them space between the end of your meeting and the start of their next. The more you move up in the corporate world, the more this will become true. Some executives schedule all their meetings back to back.
Build this into a habit
There is a great mobile app (also web app) called Coach.Me. I created a plan there that you can enroll in for free to track this out on a daily basis to make this a habit. It’s sort of cool because it’s a little community with other people building this into their work day too.
It’s sort of cool because it’s a little community with other people building this into their work day too.
10 ideas to do on a break:
So you’ve embraced this idea, and you have decided that you are going to do it! Great. But what do you do when you are on break? Obviously bathroom, food, water, social media, online shopping, etc. right? Here are some more ideas that will renew your mind, body, spirit.
– Read a book
– Journal
– Meditate/pray
– Push-up challenge
– Get some sunshine
– Call a loved one
– Text an old friend
– Laugh with a co-worker
– Check-in with a family member
– Write a note of encouragement
Just remember to set a timer. You want to make sure you are back at doing your best work on the hour.
Happy productivity!
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