courage-hub-courageous-self-confidence-exercise-courage-hobbies-self-esteem-1B3OSUEWe love recreation: hobbies, activities, fun. Here’s a secret. There are countless ways to gain self-confidence and exercise courage through recreation.

For me it’s been putting my hand to one of my greatest fears. The fear of failing at basketball. With any fear, you overcome it by facing it. So can picking up the sport of basketball help overcome fear, gain courage, and increase self-esteem? You bet it can!

I have repeated the process of picking up hobbies to overcome specific self-confidence issues in my life and gain social and mindset skills in the process.


In this episode

Related Episodes

Fighting Anxiety with a Hobby with Josh Kalsbeek | Stories of Courage | 025

Why Your Destiny Is a Narrow Road | Stories of Courage | 028


Note: The following quote was misquoted in the podcast. Here is the actual quote. It comes from an audiobook by Jim Rohn called The Power of Ambition. He is actually quoting what he calls “an old cowboy saying”.

“Fall off a horse seven times and you’re a real cowboy.” – Jim Rohn click to tweet

Learn how can you exercise courage through recreation

Are you looking for the right hobby or recreational activity for your goals? Let’s chat. Tell me your situation. I would love to help you identify some ideas for practical fun ways to grow your capacity and mindset.

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Samuel Hatton

Samuel Hatton

Samuel Hatton is a multi-talented media creator and an encourager. His mission is to encourage others in who they truly are so that they can have greater capacity to live out their destiny. He does this by producing inspiring content as well as coaching people to take courageous action toward their passions and goals.

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