Minding your own business is a critical success factor in life. I’m not talking about being nosy. Rather I’m talking about literally, minding your business rather than someone else’s.
This means that rather than complaining and irking about someone else’s project, work on your own.
In this episode
- Samuel’s personal story about complaining at Podcast Movement
- We encourage you to take action on your dreams
- Why we get caught up in complaining
The Courage Hub Private Facebook Group – Request to Join
Podcast Movement
Circle of Influence – Robert Gillette Story of Courage
The Friendship Factor book by Alan Loy McGinnis
Samuel’s accountability coaching – Work On Secret Project
Courageous ways you can mind your own business
1) Mind your sphere of influence
Think of the things that you have control over. These are the things that are in your circle of influence.
Let go of everything that falls out of that.
2) Feel pain before giving criticism
A great litmus test is to make sure that before you give criticism to someone, make sure the issue hurts
you. It should be weighing heavy on your heart.
3) Think about the role you play
This is another way to look at the circle of influence model. Imagine you are in a scene within a movie or
play. You can only play one character in that scene. So only play that character and play it to the best of
your ability.

Samuel Hatton
Samuel Hatton is the full-time marketing guy at Endsight – San Francisco Bay Area’s premium locally sourced computer technology support. He’s a multi-talented creative, natural encourager, and is full of courageous ideas.

Weston Pokorny
Weston Pokorny is a free-lance business technology consultant. People call him when they are faced with major projects they just can't get organized around. He's a master organizer, people connector, and is full of courageous compassion.