The “Jack of All Trades”. What is it and why should you be one? It’s someone who can accomplish a wide array of tasks. This is important for several reasons, among them connecting ideas, seeing opportunities, and communicating well.
Both being a jack of all trades and being a specialist can co-exist. They are not mutually exclusive. You need both.
A jack of all trades is pretty close to being a self-starter entrepreneur.
In this episode
- We use the term jack of all trades and generalist interchangeably
- We use the term specialist and technician interchangeably
- James Bond is a Jack of All Trades
- The “T” of the power specialist
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
The Creative Generalist (Generalist vs. Specialist)
James Bond is a Jack of All Trades
Being able to act undercover, use ropes and zip lines, handle several types of weapons, drink tea properly, dress well, are all skills and abilities that are required of James Bond to do his job. He’s a Jack of All Trades.
The Jack of All Trades and Specialist “T” Intersection
Imagine a capital “T”. The top of the “T” represents the Jack of All Trades. The vertical line of the “T” represents the Specialist.
The Jack of all Trades is a mile wide and an inch deep.
The Specialist is an inch wide and a mile deep.
Both are needed.
Be a “T”.
How effective is a specialist without having any people skills? Not very. A person who is highly specialized in one thing is going to do much better for that one thing if he’s able to harness the power of being able to do many different things.
What is the result of being able to pour several different things, skills, knowledge, ability, etc into a specialized skill? More opportunities, more idea, more connections to amplify the socialization.

Samuel Hatton
Samuel Hatton is the full-time marketing guy at Endsight – San Francisco Bay Area’s premium locally sourced computer technology support. He’s a multi-talented creative, natural encourager, and is full of courageous ideas.

Weston Pokorny
Weston Pokorny is a free-lance business technology consultant. People call him when they are faced with major projects they just can't get organized around. He's a master organizer, people connector, and is full of courageous compassion.