Fighting anxiety in a specific area of your life starts by remembering the confidence you already have in another area.
Anxiety is a part of life. It happens when you push the envelope of your comfort zones. Josh Kalsbeek shares about how he fought anxiety during a difficult test. He remembered about an activity that gives him anxiety, but he also has competence and confidence in it too.
Josh is an advocate of personal growth. Learn about how he takes on challenges in personal growth that can cause anxiety.
In this episode
- Using confidence in a hobby to gain courage
- How rock climbing can give you confidence
- Using mental assets
- How to fight anxiety
Recovery Tribe App ( – Josh’s new start-up App to help people fighting sex addiction
Josh Kalsbeek’s personal website ( – newsletter and contact info
(Book) Turning Pro: Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life’s Work by Steven Pressfield
About Josh
Josh Kalsbeek is a psychotherapist. He sits down with clients who are dealing with addiction, depression, conflicts in marriage, anxiety, etc. and he loves his work. He believes that the work he’s doing is not only making a profound impact in the lives of his clients but future generations.
Are You Fighting Anxiety?
If so, think of something in your life that challenges you, but you do it anyway. In Josh’s case this was rock-climbing. Now apply the same steps you have success with in your hobby to your situation.

Samuel Hatton
Samuel Hatton is the full-time marketing guy at Endsight – San Francisco Bay Area’s premium locally sourced computer technology support. He’s a multi-talented creative, natural encourager, and is full of courageous ideas.

Weston Pokorny
Weston Pokorny is a free-lance business technology consultant. People call him when they are faced with major projects they just can't get organized around. He's a master organizer, people connector, and is full of courageous compassion.