While at Podcast Movement, our host Samuel Hatton met many awesome people. Derek Loudermilk was one of them. He just so happens to be courageous with a courageous mission. His podcast, The Art of Adventure, is highly related to the message we share here on this podcast.
In one of his recent episodes, Derek interviewed Samuel for his show while we were there. Since the interview was mainly about theories on courage and self-confidence and how it related to adventure, I thought you might enjoy hearing it too.
If you like this episode, you may want to check out his podcast (link below).
Huge shout out to Derek for conducting the interview and being gracious enough to let us put it on the Courageous Self-Confidence podcast.
In this episode
- How to get more confidence
- How to have more bravery in your life
- When and how to use willpower
- How to deal with the emotion and risk of a new venture
- The difference in confidence for different people
- How to identify the specific fear you are feeling
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Samuel Hatton
Samuel Hatton is the full-time marketing guy at Endsight – San Francisco Bay Area’s premium locally sourced computer technology support. He’s a multi-talented creative, natural encourager, and is full of courageous ideas.

Weston Pokorny
Weston Pokorny is a free-lance business technology consultant. People call him when they are faced with major projects they just can't get organized around. He's a master organizer, people connector, and is full of courageous compassion.