Your destiny is a narrow road. Sometimes it’s lonely. It has to be. After all you are the only one who can live out your destiny. No one else can walk it for you.
This is a story about breakthrough in following my destiny.
I have struggled with something from an early age.
When I was just 5 years old going into a Sunday school class for the first time, he peaked his head in the door and his twin sister walked right in and said, “Come on Samuel, I’ll show you around.” This continued throughout my life. Fearfully inching into new situations.
It wasn’t until 7 years ago that I made my first life-changing courageous choice – To study abroad in Australia.
Fast forward present day. About 4 months ago. I wanted to start something that I felt was directly in line with my purpose. My values. My destiny.
In this episode
- News about the structure about the podcast
- Why I do this show
- Know behind the scenes of Courageous Self-Confidence
- Hear about my courageous choice today
- Discover a secret that I’ve been too proud to share with anyone
Quote: “Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” – Henry David Thoreau
Music: Boulevard Of Broken Dreams by Green Day [Official YouTube video]
Episode 1: Be Courageous. Gain Self-Confidence.
Ask yourself this:
What courageous action can I take today?
Optional: share your answer to that question publicly on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr – use hashtag “#couragehub“.
Thanks for listening,

Samuel Hatton
Samuel Hatton is the full-time marketing guy at Endsight – San Francisco Bay Area’s premium locally sourced computer technology support. He’s a multi-talented creative, natural encourager, and is full of courageous ideas.