Are your values really the values that you think they are? After all, there are two types of values. Your current actual values, and the values you want to have. These are different.
Even Steven Covey of the book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People mentions that we need to think of our values and line up our actions with them.
What Steven fails to identify is the distinction between core values (your current actual values) and aspirational values (the values you desire).
How can you know what is working and what is not working if you don’t know the difference between your core values and your aspirational values?
You can’t.
This episode distinguishes the two and creates a framework for identifying the habits you already have in place that support your aspirational values.
In this episode
- The difference between core values and aspirational values
- How to identify your current core values the accurate way
- A step-by-step process for finding the habits that serve you and the habits that don’t
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey
Other episodes in the Complete Alignment series
How to Eliminate Stress
How Beliefs Affect Reality
Why Think Before You Speak
How Words Lead to Actions
Your Actions Become Habits
How habits determine your values
Basically it comes down to what you do on a day in and day out basis. Your habits. These are the things that demonstrate your current values.
Exercise: Habits and values inventory
Step 1: Identify current habits
Identify your current habits.
Step 2: Identify current values
Look for patterns/themes. These are your current core values.
Step 3: Choose aspirational values
Dream up what you believe your values should be. These are your aspirational values.
Step 4: Discover good and bad habits
Look at the habits you currently have and identify which are in aligned with your aspirational values and which are not.
This process should get you started in identifying which habits serve you and which do not.
Want to change some habits?
If you are interested in learning more about how to change these habits, subscribe to our email list to be notified of our habit series. In a few weeks we will be starting a new series about habits.
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Samuel Hatton
Samuel Hatton is the full-time marketing guy at Endsight – San Francisco Bay Area’s premium locally sourced computer technology support. He’s a multi-talented creative, natural encourager, and is full of courageous ideas.

Weston Pokorny
Weston Pokorny is a free-lance business technology consultant. People call him when they are faced with major projects they just can't get organized around. He's a master organizer, people connector, and is full of courageous compassion.